Witch Comparisons
  1. That one time Sanya and Eila do a suborbital flight and the episode climax is really good. I can say with reasonable confidence that if you don't love this episode, you're a heartless bastard.
    Click through the stitch images for a higher quality version.

  2. The opening battle sequence is much brighter and the Vaseline motionblur has been removed.
  3. The Neuroi damage shards are moved slightly higher up, and the next two shots of Miyafuji have her squiggle blush replaced with a gradient.
  4. These fancy teacups are now much fancier.
  5. Minna has been heavily redrawn.
  6. The cup Mio is drinking from is fancier, again.
  7. The light from the projector is visible in more shots on the blu-ray.
  8. It reflects nicely off this glass of... Piña Colada?
  9. Have a stitch of the projector slide describing the rocket boosters.
  10. In this pan of the room, everyone's been redrawn with actual faces and it's zoomed out slightly.
  11. Sanya's collar patch is now in the right place
  12. Eila's glass is now resting on the piano keylid instead of floating.
  13. And in this long shot, it's empty.
  14. Everyone in the background has been redrawn and the focal blur isn't nearly as heavy.
  15. Perrine and Eila have been redrawn here.
  16. The heavy blur filter has been removed, to much rejoicing.
  17. More character redrawing. Eila's nipple has been moved clearly into view.
  18. Sanyaaaa
  19. The heavy steam censoring is gone!
  20. Lynette has some altered lines, and can now see.
  21. Perrine's cheeks and eyes have been altered.
  22. local witch fucking dies
  23. Eila's face has some minor tweaks.
  24. A second later, her nose bridge has been redrawn.
  25. This shot of Sanya is realigned.
  26. This one too, the background has been lowered and Sanya is redrawn.
  27. Sanyaaaaaa~
  28. I love how they add detailed lens flares to the censor lights.
  29. Blush!

  30. The waves caused by the Neuroi debris from the failed attack are higher and sharper.
  31. Not even random cups are safe from the logo.
  32. "please buy our merch"
  33. Which version is cuter? Can't decide.
  34. This shot of Lynette during the ascent has fewer blocky artefacts scrolling past in the background.
  35. The strikers are recoloured and the rocket exhaust has an orange tint.
  36. The exhaust is no longer orange in this excellent frame.
  37. Glowier and less distinct exhaust trail, the flash at the top is brighter.
  38. The space scene is basically untouched, so have a stitch of the opening tilt shot to make up for it
  39. The shading here is darker, and Sanya's antenna glow isn't quite as strong.
  40. Zoomed in shot of Eila raising a shield, finally
  41. The sky is darker here to match the other shots.
  42. Brighter shot here.
  43. They forgot to draw in the Neuroi remains in the TV version
  44. The twig they made a big deal about has been redrawn brighter and clearer